I hold a PhD in robotic system specification and created RSSL, a language for developing robotic systems automatically with a model-driven engineering approach


  • 2022 – PhD with distinction in Automation, Electronics, Electrical and Space Technology, title: “Automatic generation of robotic system controllers based on a specification”, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Poland,

  • 2013 – Master of Science in computer science (master’s specialization: CAD/CAM systems design), Department of Mathematics and Information Science, WUT, Poland.


  • 2013 – currently – conducting research WUT, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, Poland, Designer / Developer / Project Manager / Research Associate (from 10/2018) / Assistant Professor (from 01/2023),

  • 10/2023 - 04/2024 - Visiting Postdoc at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Endurance, CADRE, ION,

  • 11/2021 – 12/2021 – conducting scientific research at the prestigious research institute, i.e., in the French Aerospace Lab-ONERA (The Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales), Toulouse, France,

  • 06/2017 – 12/2017 – conducting six-monthly research at Griffith University, Australia, as part of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 PANTHER grant, ”Pacific Atlantic Network for Technical Higher Education and Research”.


  • 2023 – Laureate of the XXX Edition of the Polish Prime Minister’s Award for an Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation,

  • 2023 – Laureate of the ABB Prize Competition, 20th Edition 2022/2023, for Doctoral Dissertation,

  • 2023 – Laureate of the first award for the best doctoral thesis in XVth National Competition “Young Innovators”, Łukasiewicz Research Network - PIAP Institute, Poland,

  • 2023 – Laureate of the “Exchange Program to the United States” Fellowship, the Kosciuszko Foundation,

  • 2022 – Honorable mention for the best conference paper in robotics, awarded by the Polish Branch of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Poland,

  • 2021 – Distinction in the national competition of engineering theses SuperStar 4 Science 2021 in the category ”Supervisor of the thesis of the highest substantive value”, Polish Section of the IEEE and GovTech Poland,

  • 2019 – Laureate of the competition under the PROM PW 2 project regarding participation in short forms of international education, The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), Poland,

  • 2017 – Laureate of science scholarship Preludium 13, National Science Center, Poland,

  • 2017 – Laureate of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 PANTHER (Pacific Atlantic Network for Technical Higher Education and Research).

Maksym Figat Ph.D., Eng - JPL NASA


Visiting Postdoc - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - 2023/2024
Summary: https://scienceandtechnology.jpl.nasa.gov/maksym-figat-phd-eng

What is a Polish scientist doing at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory?

Ph.D. Maksym Figat of Warsaw University of Technology is on a fellowship at one of NASA's research centres, the prestigious Jet Propulsion Laboratory. - It is an incredible challenge," he told Polish Radio's Eureka programme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLNajpuh-mI

Ph.D. Eng. Maksym Figat Winner of the ABB Prize Competition

We are pleased to announce that Dr Maksym Figat has won the Grand Prize in the 20th edition of the ABB Prize competition. The winning work entitled "Automatic generation of robot system controllers based on a specification", https://www.elka.pw.edu.pl/Aktualnosci/Nominacje-i-nagrody/Dr-inz.-Maksym-Figat-zwyciezca-Konkursu-o-Nagrode-ABB

Robot ChatGPT is possible

Maksym Figat, Ph.D., from the Warsaw University of Technology, this year's winner of the ABB Prize Competition, talks about the universal metamodel, research for NASA and creating simple robotic systems for our own daily needs. https://new.abb.com/news/pl/detail/105463/robotyczny-chatgpt-jest-mozliwy

Prime Minister's awards for Warsaw University of Technology researchers - 2023

PhD Eng. Maksym FIGAT Automatic generation of controllers for robotic systems on the basis of a specification submitted by the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology (proposal recommended by Prof. Dr Maciej Chorowski).

For a parameterised metamodel describing a generic robotic system, taking into account its structure and mode of operation. For solving an interdisciplinary problem at the interface of computer science, robotics and automation by developing a method for automatic generation of robot system controllers, generalising the results and unifying the solution.


Our graduates awarded in the 15th National Diploma Thesis Competition Young Innovators

Dr Maksym Figat, a graduate of WEiTI and currently an assistant professor at the Institute of Automation and Applied Computer Science, won this year's competition in the Doctoral Thesis category. The thesis, entitled Automatic generation of robotic system controllers based on a specification, analyses the problem of automatic generation of a robotic system controller based on a formal specification. The main objective of the thesis was to develop a universal method for the specification of robotic systems using the concepts of Entrusted Agent (EAA) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE).


On April 12, 2024, I gave a talk at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). I presented my postdoc research. Thanks to Caltech for organizing the postdoc seminar. I would also like to thank my friends at JPL, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Kosciuszko Foundation.

Postdoctoral Seminar at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) - Von Karman Auditorium

On March 4, 2024, I was honored to have the opportunity to present the results of my Ph.D. research at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Postdoc Series. My work, which has been recognized with three national awards, including the Prime Minister's Award (Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów), was defended at the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska). The presentation took place in the Von Karman Auditorium of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Thanks to the Kosciuszko Foundation for funding my Visiting Postdoc at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

I would like to invite you to read the latest NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Annual Report for the year 2023. I am pleased to inform you that I have been mentioned in the report. This is a great honor for me!
JPL Annual Report 2023: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/annual-report

Mentioned in the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Annual Report for the year 2023